Statute of limitations, 893.51 (2)
Uniform act, 134.90 (2)
misbranding MISBRANDING
See Labels
misdemeanors MISDEMEANORS
See also Criminal Code
Classification, penalties, 939.51
Defined, 939.60
misrepresentation MISREPRESENTATION
mississippi river MISSISSIPPI RIVER
Commercial vessels, open burning prohibited, 299.64
Counties bordering upon, jurisdiction, 2.04
Dredge disposal in and near by U.S. corps of engineers, 30.202
Net licenses, 29.523, 29.563 (7)
Rafts, 30.126
Slat net, 29.526
Trammel net, 29.529
Great River road, 14.85, 84.107
Highway to islands in, 82.27 (8)
Jurisdiction, free usage, IX, 1
Parkway commission, creation, membership, duties, 14.85
Submerged lands, enable state to lease, 24.39 (4), 30.11 (5)
Tank vessels, double hull required, 299.62
Water resources conservation and management, 281.35
Water withdrawal violations:
Investigation, 281.94
Remedies, 281.95
mobile homes MOBILE HOMES
money MONEY
Generally, Ch. 138
monopolies MONOPOLIES
Generally, Ch. 133
For detailed analysis, see Antitrust Law
monuments and memorials MONUMENTS AND MEMORIALS
Fire fighters memorial, 213.105
Land for, acquisition by city, state, XI, 3a
Memorial highways and bridges, 84.1018 to 84.1049
For detailed analysis, see Highways
Section corners, town monuments, 60.84 (3)
State-owned, acceptance and maintenance by administration department, 16.84 (10)
Camp Randall memorial park, 45.70 (2)
Counties and municipalities may erect, 45.72
Memorial corporations under 1919 act, 45.74
Memorial halls, municipality may donate site, 45.73
Memorial trees, cutting forbidden, 86.03 (7)
Milwaukee county, 45.75
Persian Gulf memorial, 45.70 (1)
Tax exemption, 70.11 (9)
Veterans museum, 45.07
mopeds MOPEDS
Audits, 218.42
Definitions, 218.40
Penalties, 218.43
Regulation, 218.41
Equipment, 347.488
Brakes, 347.35 (2)
Headlamp specifications, 347.11, 347.115
Warning lights, 347.145
Operator's license, 343.05 (3) (c)
Parking rules, 346.54 (1) (e)
Registration and regulation by local governments, 349.18
Rules of the road specific to mopeds, 346.595
Freeway and expressway operation prohibited, 346.16 (2) (a), 349.105
Prohibition on bicycle ways, 346.79 (5)
Tax exemption, 70.112 (5)
Transportation dept., safety program, 85.30
mortgage bankers MORTGAGE BANKERS
mortgages MORTGAGES
mortgages_1. general provisions 1. General Provisions
Recording not notice to mortgagor, 706.08 (6)
Recording requirements, 706.05 (2m)
Closings, funds at, dispersal, 708.10
Condemned property:
Highway, apportionment of damages, 82.14 (2)
Release from mortgage, 32.13
Consumer act:
Generally, Ch. 428